A Balanced Approach to Nourishment for a Life of Harmony
As a women's life and wellness coach devoted to empowering busy women to regain control of their time and embrace a life of harmony over hustle, I know that our health plays a huge role in how we accomplish that**.** I created a unique approach that focuses on nourishing your body, and putting more focus on your overall health, without the need for complicated calorie tracking, and restrictive diets.
Welcome to HarmonyPlates™️, where we celebrate the art of balanced nourishment.
Why HarmonyPlates™️?
In a world filled with overwhelming dietary advice, HarmonyPlates™️ stands out for its simplicity and empowerment. HarmonyPlates™️ offers a balanced and practical approach to eating that respects your body's needs. No more stress about counting calories or following rigid plans. It's about finding your own balance and enjoying the nourishment that suits you best. At the same time, we want you to learn that eating healthy isn’t difficult, time consuming, and doesn’t take away from the joy in your life. At Harmony Ignited we use a really easy to follow template, so you can easily look at your plate and know you have a balanced meal.
Each meal is packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, you need to feel satisfied, energized, and able to tackle your day knowing you have taken care of your body.
**The HarmonyPlates™️ Composition:**
First and foremost, HarmonyPlates focuses on using whole foods as often as possible.
What are whole foods? I define whole foods as the real stuff, anything that once had life. Foods that grew. Foods with one ingredient, in their most natural state: nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish.
Vegetables & fruits: Fill your plate with colorful and nutrient-packed fruits & vegetables. These form the foundation of your nourishment, supporting your overall well-being.
Proteins: Allocate a portion of your plate to delicious protein sources, whether you prefer poultry, seafood, or occasional plant-based options. Proteins are vital for maintaining your energy and vitality.
Carbohydrates: Add a portion of nutrient dense “good” Carbohydrates, which will help to provide you with sustained energy throughout your day. Things like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squashes are great choices here.
Healthy fats: Complete your plate with a portion of healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, or olive oil. These fats support brain health and keep you satisfied.
Embrace Balanced Nourishment
No Counting or tracking
If you have ever tried Keto, Weight Watchers, or IIFYMM, then you know the frustration of those rigid diet plans that require us to track everything you eat. While that may work for some short term, it isn’t realistic to maintain as a permanent lifestyle choice. We often find ourselves in situations where it isn’t even possible to track the foods we are eating, - like when we’re on vacation, eating out, or attending holiday get togethers.
Counting and tracking don’t work in real life situations and that’s why most people find themselves on the start and stop cycle that prevents them from maintaining healthy eating habits as a part of their lifestyle.
HarmonyPlates™️ offers you a real-life approach to your health and wellness. Rather than counting or tracking anything, you can simply do a visual check to make sure you have all the elements of a balanced meal. We are each unique but by using mindful eating and listening to your internal hunger and satiety cues you will soon learn the perfect portion sizes for you.
Food Freedom
Ever notice how as soon as you label a food “bad” or “off limits” you become hyper aware and focused on that food? When you come face to face with these foods you likely take on the mentality that causes you to want to overindulge because you don’t know when you might have this “off limit” food again, instead of just having a serving and feeling satisfied.
With HarmonyPlates, the focus is addition versus subtraction. We look at ways to add in more of a variety of foods to your day to ensure you are eating in a balanced way rather than removing food. By adding in more good you naturally have less room for the not so good.
Here’s what one of my clients shared about the TimeWellFed Philosophy “This summer I attended many family functions, one being a family reunion. I knew that attending this family function the food would be abundant. Knowing how to balance my plate makes it super easy at any function I attend. It gives me a visual way to keep track of what's on my plate and I don’t overeat or feel like I am depriving myself”. Not only was this client able to enjoy everything without any restriction or deprivation, but she also lost multiple inches without the scale ever budging, increased her energy by eating enough, and learned how to prioritize herself & her self-care, during our work together.
If it’s easy, you’ll keep doing it!
The goal of HarmonyPlates is to make it easy. We know that if it is easy then it will be much simpler to create consistency and lasting daily habits. Using the HarmonyPlates template you can create meals quickly and be confident that you are giving your body all the necessary nutrients so that you have energy to not just get through the day, but live your best life, and feel good about your body too. Plus, you have the ability to easily adjust portion sizes based on your individual needs.
It can be used at any mealtime for any meal - a salad, a smoothie, or a yogurt bowl, you name it – and it works!
So, are you ready to embrace HarmonyPlates™️, say goodbye to dieting stress, and live a life of delicious well-being? Book a discovery call to explore whether HarmonyPlates is the right next step in your health & happiness journey. We'll explore your health goals, the challenges you're currently facing, and what it could look like to work together so you can cultivate harmony over hustle one plate at a time.
The Bubble- 2022 lol Keegan from key and peele made a reference to harmonyignited in this movie